VooDoo Derby Dollz
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VooDoo Derby Dollz

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 Apr.30 League Meeting Minutes

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Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-03-06

Apr.30 League Meeting Minutes Empty
PostSubject: Apr.30 League Meeting Minutes   Apr.30 League Meeting Minutes Icon_minitimeThu May 03, 2012 1:36 am

League meeting Apr.30 meeting started 7:25pm ended 8:40pm
In attendance: Zoe, Shelby, Julie, Missy, Charlotte, Tascha, Shantel, Kim,Karen, Angela, Donna M, Natalie, Heather, Arnold, Vickie, Denise, Ferd, Desiree, Melissa, Nicole, Brittany, Erica, Cyndi, Tara

-Donations for May 12 raffle prizes given to Julie, to get the BC lottery license.

-Molson is willing to sponsor us in kind of approx. 1 free case for every 10 cases we buy
This would be useful in the future if we do our own beer garden/parties/events
-Huskers is offering a shared 50/50 cash we would supply some girls to help sell 50/50 tickets at their games. We would make 25% of the total 50/50 take and allow her to have a personal business table at our bouts. Proposed & passed unanimously by all in attendance. Also the suggestion of having Husker players volunteering to help with extra security at bouts.

-Derby related merch to be allowed for sale at May 12 bout, proposed & passed unanimously. Max. of 10-12 merch tables incl. 5 team/CBCF tables.

-Committee criteria-
-ALL Skaters MUST participate in a committee
-Committees should have a head & co-head, plus volunteers
-Committees must meet once a month and submit minutes to the secretary for the league records.
-committees need to keep a binder with their committee’s minutes and resources and information, suppliers, etc.


Media- Responsibilities, contacting radio, online, newspapers with event information & tweeting
Meghan –Head –Volunteers- Des, Tara. Cyndi

Bout Planning-Zoe & Missy Head co-head- Heather & Julie Tegg, Donna M

Sunshine- committee to be axed

Fundraising-Lisa head & Charlotte co-head, volunteers- Natalie, Vickie, Erica
Larger fundraisers need to be planned with less frequency
A yearly plan set up and presented at the AGM
Fundraisers need to be presented to the board & league.

Merch- Melissa Flynn Head- co-head Julie volunteers-Marci 2-ideally changing fresh meat for staff at events.
Merch inventory to be kept and submitted to the board
Merch head to bring purchase plans/orders to the board for approval/funding

First-Aid-not really a committee- Shantel, Meghan & Donna responsible for kit.

Fresh Meat Coaching- Dennis Charlotte, Spanky, Zoe, Natalie, Ferd
Head is responsible for testing of fresh meat & retesting LOA skaters
Organizing a rotating schedule of fresh meat coaching

Recruitment- Responsibilities- answering emails, planning dates, events, targeted recruitment etc.
Tara-head, volunteers: Julie Smith, Melissa, Angela, Karen.

Web – Zoe & Donna M

-Volunteer/NSO- Head- Shelby. Volunteer-Tara

-Sponsorship- head Nicole co-head Brittaney

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Apr.30 League Meeting Minutes
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