Meeting started 6:00pm Meeting ended 7:45pm
In Attendance: Shantel, Kim, Zoe, Missy and Vickie.
--League insurance, the books show a paid cheque for $150, certificate is not in Board’s possession. Should have been mailed to Boots so Kim is confirming, this will need to be confirmed with Hootchie (?) Denise will need to contact and confirm our insurance status.
--Next recruitment – we need to push recruitment. So use the following to pull recruits and have a ‘fresh meat’ day the weekend after the may long weekend.
--May 12 double header fundraiser
Co-ed bout first -- Misfits
Second bout Voodoo vs. Hooligan’s
A portion of ticket sales to breast cancer $2/ticket
-Missy to double check the rental costs as long as they are reasonable we will go ahead.
--Hope arena is a possible venue for future events. They want us to come and have an event there, they have a full concession and rental skates. $40/hour for practice time double checking the cost for public (paid) event.
--Dues increase is being proposed to raise to $40 effective May1
This will be proposed at the next league meeting.
--Sideshow Rob head coach
-We need to have a letter to explain our league’s goals, expectations, time frame commitment
-We’re suggesting a 6 month trial commitment with the option on both sides to extend after wards
-$15/trip for gas costs.
Kim is going to write an official letter/contract for Rob on Tues.
We need volunteers to commit to fresh meat coaching. Minimum of 4 people each to take 1 week of the month.
The current committee does not seem to be working.
There needs to be a set plan of coaching for fresh meat as well as a clear testing plan.
This will be proposed at the next league meeting.
--Better policy for injured skaters
If skaters are long-term injured they can pay $10 to stay as voting member in good standing.
Leave of absence policy and paperwork, if you are going to be away for a month or more you must submit written notice to the league to not pay dues for the month 2 weeks in advance.
Any absence of more than a month will require re-testing and if LOA paperwork was not completed dues for the missed month will still be owing.
This will be proposed at the next league meeting.
--Drop-in skaters have to see Vickie who will take $5 and either see card or get # or waiver.
--Logo contest to be announced tomorrow. 5 week submission time.New logo, website, etc. rollout aimed for June 1,2012.
--Twitter accounts need to be taken over and maintained
--part of media team?
--Committee duties and roles and expectations need to be defined and checking that committee members are current and still working with their committee.
This will be discussed at the next league meeting.
--First aid update