Apr.15- Meeting- Meeting started at 10:20am Meeting ended 11:45
In attendance: Zoe, Megan, Tara, Ferd, Charlotte, Denise, Tascha, Lisa, Shantel, Kim, Dennis, Vickie, Desiree, Julie, Brittaney, Nicole, Heather, Natalie, Donna, Erica & Karen.
Coaching for fresh meat needs volunteers to lead practices 1 day/month max. so that experienced skaters do not miss too much reg. practice time and fresh meat get a well-rounded experience while following a standardized training plan.
Rob is going to help us set up with a set coaching plan.
Coaching committee: Dennis, Charlotte, Lisa & Tascha,
Coaching Volunteers: Charlotte/Maim , Ferd, Tascha, Natalie & Denise.
-Media-Meg -head, Des to help/volunteer, Tara will take over Twitter tweeting
Meg setting up a media email list, anyone with suggestions for media outlets, please send to Meg.
-Bout Planning- Stacey & Angela? Talk to them- Heather, Julie
-Sunshine- Julie, Tascha, Kim
-Fundraising-Lisa, Charlotte
-Merch- Melissa Flynn, Marci
-First-Aid: Donna- head. Megs is getting first aid this month through, Shantel is taking it this month and will take over kit maintenance.
Des-motion made to release song to the hawk ahead of the bout Kim second, all in favour.
Melissa, Tascha & Zoe to collaborate to get sandwich boards made & sticker printed
Des has asked for a donation for her husband’s play, Shantel second, all in favour, merch committee to sort it out.
Treasurer report current balance $2594, city bill for floor time $3743 due May 4,
$890 rental for June 16 bout
-Apr.21 fundy- Julie will apply for 50/50 license on Mon. Silent auction items to be brought on Sat.
-Dues Increase effective May 1, dues going to $40, our dues are lower than most other leagues and we need to raise ours to be able to rent the floor for consistent practices.
Motion-Kim, Second-Shantel, all votes in favour
-Long term injuries policy
-If skaters are long-term injured they can pay $10 to stay as voting member in good standing.
-Leave of absence policy and paperwork, if you are going to be away for a month or more you must submit written notice to the league to not pay dues for the month 2 weeks in advance.
Any absence of more than a month will require re-testing and if LOA paperwork was not completed dues for the missed month/s will still be owing.
Motion-Zoe, second Kim, all votes in favour.